We are coming to that time of the year when many of us experience the pressure of trying to create the perfect holiday for everyone. We try so hard to make everyone else happy that we end up feeling exhausted, stressed out, unhappy, and sometimes even angry.
It doesn't have to be that way. In fact by taking care of ourselves we can make the holidays a time full of fun and joy. So, in this ongoing series, I will share a few tools that you can use to make the holidays stress free.
First up is a concept that may feel a little unusual for many of us. Ready...Here it is.. Do only one thing at a time.With all of the noise in the air these days anxiety and stress have become the norm and connecting to the peace and strength within can become a huge challenge. All of the news, gossip, traffic, construction and other noises from the outside world can distract us in our efforts to connect to the inside world.

It's Tough to Be a Teen!
Not to long ago, I was asked to teach a stress management workshop for teenagers. As I prepared for the class I began to connect with how extremely stressed out many of today's teens are and how much pressure is put on them to succeed.
I think my dog has the right idea about leading a good life. She always seems content. Her biggest project of the day is to lie in the sun and drink up all of the juicy warmth from the bricks on the patio. Or if there is a patch of sun in the living room...
The other night I had the honor of leading a discussion with the parents, teens, and friends of PFLAG LA. This group of parents and kids are dedicated to making change in the world by creating a place where they can speak out and speak their truth.
A question that came up for me is, who is the coming out process harder for, the parent or the teen?
Caretaker. Co-dependent. Giver.
Those of us who offer our energy freely to the world often fall under the heading of these blessed descriptions with much of our time in the care of others but not always concentrating on the care of ourselves.
As spring, the season of growth and development, approaches, it is a good time to pause and evaluate your priorities. It is easy to just keep following the day-to-day grind without reflecting on where that pattern of behavior is taking you. It can be invaluable to take a moment and look at the big picture and your place in that larger frame.
I would like to invite you to ask yourself the following three questions:
1. What are the most important things in my life?
2. Am I focusing my daily energy on at least one of those things?
3. If not, why not?
Let's delve a little bit further into this process one question at a time.
Some people don't get it, but going back to school for a gay kid is a really scary thing. It can mean having to put on lots of layers of armor and acting straight so as to fit in and not feel like an outsider.
Why would an LGBT teenager have to act straight?
As we head into the holiday weekend it looks like I will be having some much needed time off where I will be doing nothing. It is very rare that I spend a day and do nothing.
I wonder why?
By now you may have seen the latest video disaster online of New Jersey Housewife Danielle Staub performing her new song " Real Close". If not take a look !
What I think is interesting about this video is not the failure of it but the idea that this woman took a shot at an opportunity. How many times have opportunities come your way and you have passed on them?