Good Morning Mr Brain

What messages do you send to yourself in the morning when you first wake up? Are they messages of inspiration and focused joy or are they messages of doubt, anxiety and fear.
Unfortunately for most people the answer is the later, they find their morning mind filling them with stories of dread and stress about not only the coming day ahead but also projecting that anxiety into the future.
If you are one of those people who wakes with anxiety as you morning companion, there is something you can do about it...
Clutter - The Silent Energy Drainer
A guest blog from my colleague Elizabeth Gordon, professional organizer, on the importance of getting the clutter out of your life
The beginning of the school year is an exciting time. New classes, new faces and a chance for new experiences. But what is going on in your physical environment that may be affecting your personal and/or professional life? Clear that clutter for some renewed energy!
There is so much I can say about clutter. Just looking at a pile of junk is enough to raise your blood pressure and heart rate, increase stress and anxiety and make you feel depressed. Things that are neat and orderly have the exact opposite affect. You will feel lighter, have more energy and have peace of mind.
Seven Days to Reducing Stress: Day Seven

The final tool that can be of great benefit in reducing streets in your life is the use of meditation. I know, some of you read that word and want to leave the room. But meditation doesn’t have to be a difficult process that involves hours of your day or a trip to an ashram to escape.
Seven Days to Reducing Stress: Day Six

Optimism is a powerful tool that can affect our long term mood and in turn relieve stress and anxiety.
Seven Days to Reducing Stress: Day Five

All this stimulus and input can be stressful on your mind and body.
Seven Days to Reducing Stress: Day Four

Stuff happens in our lives and in any moment we have two choices we can take it all inside and feel bad about ourselves or we can talk to friends, family, and loved ones and get things out of our system.
Seven Days to Reducing Stress: Day Three
Today’s stress reduction tool is about getting back in touch with all of the fun things that you enjoy in your life. Remember back before life became all about deadlines, projects, and bills.
Seven Days to Reducing Stress: Day Two
Welcome to day two of your stress reduction toolkit. Hopefully you started your day off with a healthy breakfast and maybe even got in a little bit of morning exercise to kick start your day.
Today we are going to look at step two in reducing stress in your life. For many people when they,” kick start” their morning they do it with a big cup of coffee.
And yet that very same cup of coffee that you are using to pick you up contains large amounts of caffeine, which can set up the body for stress and tension over the long hall.Seven Days to Reducing Stress: Day One

For some people this reality is known as living with stress.
Meditation in Life
I know I share a lot of methods on meditation and relaxation but sometimes it is the simple tasks of daily life that can bring us back to our center.
For me the task is cooking.
The Anxiety Trap